ginger snaps snack

A holiday CBD recipe: Gluten and lactose-free organic CBD Ginger Snaps Snack

The holiday season means one thing: Grandma’s old-fashioned ginger snaps snack! But what if you want to treat your friends and family to something extra special? Well, we have just the solution for you.

Introducing our new gluten and lactose-free organic CBD Ginger Snaps – they are sure to make everyone feel better this holiday season! Our delicious ginger snaps are made with all-natural ingredients and premium organic hemp extract. Not only do these cookies taste amazing, but they also provide a range of health benefits!  So why not give them as gifts or enjoy them yourself during this festive time of year? They will be much appreciated by those who receive them.

You’ll want to begin with 1/6 teaspoon (about 0.5 grams) of VESL’s 99-percent pure CBD Isolate, made from organic hemp, which is third-party tested to be free of all heavy metals and pesticides.

From there, we’ve chosen organic, natural ingredients to make gluten and lactose-free CBD ginger snaps.

What to prepare?

  • 1 1/2 cups (210 g) all-purpose gluten-free flour (we used Better Batter)
  • 3/4 teaspoon xanthan gum (omit if your flour blend already contains it)
  • 1/2 teaspoon baking soda
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons ground cinnamon
  • 1 teaspoon ground ginger
  • 1/4 teaspoon kosher salt
  • 1/2 cup (109 g) packed light brown sugar
  • 6 tablespoons (84 g) ghee (melted butter with the milk solids removed) at room temperature
  • 4 tablespoons (84 g) of regular molasses
  • 1 tablespoon (21 g) honey
  • 1 egg (60 g, weighed out of shell) at room temperature, beaten
  • 1/2 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
  • 1/6 teaspoon (or about 0.5 grams) VESL 99-percent pure CBD Isolate
  • Royal Icing for decoration (optional)

How to make it?

Preheat your oven to 350°F. Line rimmed baking sheets with unbleached parchment paper and set them aside. Then, place the flour, xanthan gum, brown sugar, baking soda, cinnamon, ginger, and salt in a large bowl. Whisk to combine well and reserve.

In a small bowl, combine the wet ingredients, whisk, and add the VESL 99-percent pure CBD isolate. Mix them well until the CBD isolate is completely dissolved.

Add the wet mixture to the dry ingredients in the large bowl. Using a mixer, mix all the ingredients to create a thick dough.

Next, transfer the dough to a large sheet of unbleached baking paper, cover it with another sheet of parchment, and roll it into a rectangle about 3/8-inch thick (more than 1/4 inch, less than 1/2 inch). If you are concerned that the dough will be difficult to handle, place it in the refrigerator or freezer after you roll it out to allow it to firm up. Pull back the top sheet of parchment paper, dip a cookie cutter of your favorite shape, or use your hands to make rounded shape gingersnaps.

Then place the individual CBD cookies, about one and a half inches apart, on the prepared baking sheets. Preheat the oven, put them in the center, and bake until brown or about eight minutes. Lastly, remove the ginger snaps and allow them to cool while still on the baking sheets.

These cookies can also be decorated with royal icing if desired, but allow the icing to set for 24 hours before stacking them.

Final Note

Enjoy the holidays with peace of mind knowing that your loved ones can indulge without guilt – thanks to our healthy yet tasty treats. With their unique combination of flavors, textures, and health benefits, there is no better way to show someone how much you care than gifting this delicious ginger snaps snack!

All information contained in this article is for informational and educational purposes only. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not intended as medical advice. Always consult a physician or a qualified healthcare provider for any questions regarding your health and well-being. The products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease.

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