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Holiday Spirit. Merry Christmas!!

The countdown to Christmas is on! We’re just a couple of days away from the most wonderful time of the year. Some people may be more excited than others, but Christmas is always a special time for family reunions, showing love and care to our loved ones, and reconnecting with old friends. 

This year the holidays will be different for most of us. But “different” brings new learning experiences and forces us to get creative. There’s always a positive side of everything and ways to enjoy the holidays. Remember, “we don’t play because we got old, we get old because we don’t play”. So let’s get creative and get into the holiday spirit!

Our favorite things to uplift your holiday spirit and enjoy Christmas (even more!):

Hype up your Spotify Christmas playlist. Singing the classic Christmas songs inevitably brings you joy. Classics like “It’s Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas” by Bing Crosby, “The Most Wonderful Time of the Year” by Andy Williams, “The Christmas Song” by Nat King Cole, “White Christmas” by Bing Crosby, among others. Our favorite holiday playlist is “Christmas Classics” on Spotify.

Rekindle your childhood by watching Christmas movies. “Home Alone”, “It’s a wonderful life”, “Miracle on 34th Street”, “The Grinch”, “A Christmas Story”, these are A-class Christmas movies. When you try to watch it, it’s almost like you’re taken back to your childhood. And definitely to Christmas time!

Put up a Christmas tree. Nothing will make you home more Christmas-y than a decorated Christmas tree. Putting it up will make a great bonding experience with your family and friends. Plus it gives your home the ultimate most needed holiday touch!

Christmas delicacies. All holidays come with its specific delicacies. Turkeys are for thanksgiving and eggnogs are for Christmas. Enjoy your eggnogs with your family or better yet, spice up your Christmas by creating or reinventing the classics. Check out our latest Christmas CBD recipe on our blog!

Help someone. Nothing will ever make you feel good than knowing you’ve helped someone. Be of service to someone this holiday season. Remember, even if we’re socially-distant today there are always ways to help someone in need.


Merry Christmas!

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