Is CBD Skincare Worth It

Is CBD Skincare Worth It?

CBD has become all the rave today. From oils, tinctures, salves, gels, vapes, to face creams and wash, there are a lot of CBD products out in the market. With CBD’s awesome potential benefits reaching millions not just in the US but around the world, sometimes we wonder if CBD can also work as a part of our skincare regimen. Today we’ll lay out all the facts and answer: Is CBD skincare really worth it?

What is CBD?

CBD or Cannabidiol is just one of the more than 100 cannabinoids present in cannabis or hemp. It is non-psychoactive which means that you will never get the “high” you normally get from THC. CBD, directly and indirectly, affects our ECS or Endocannabinoid System to bring about internal processes that maintain our body’s homeostasis.

What are the CBD Skincare facts?

CBD is still being tested for its efficacy.

Let’s make things clear for everyone: There is still no conclusive research that proves the effectiveness of CBD except for certain epileptic seizures. Epidiolex is the only product with CBD as an active ingredient that has been approved by the FDA to be considered safe for human consumption and found to be effective against severe forms of epilepsy. However, early clinical trials and anecdotal evidence clearly show that CBD shows a lot of promise.

CBD is not just for anxiety.

Although the most popular use of CBD today is for anxiety management, there is still more about CBD that we need to know. CBD’s antioxidant and anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antipsychotic, anti-cancer, and neuroprotective potential is being studied and the current findings are promising.

CBD can be your perfect skincare partner.

Research indicates that CB1 and CB2 receptors are also found in the epidermal keratinocytes, cutaneous nerve fibers, dermal cells, melanocytes, eccrine sweat glands, and hair follicles. Scientists are still uncertain as to what are the underlying molecular mechanisms that bring about the treatment but receptors being found under our skin provide a great clue.

Consistency is key.

At this moment, CBD is still not regulated by the FDA so this may cause some concerns, especially to customers new to CBD. Remember that not all CBD is created equally. Make sure to ONLY choose companies that are reputable and transparent to all their customers. Look for companies that have lab tests available to all their customers. 


CBD is still not regulated and it’s research is still in its infancy. But no one can refute the overwhelming anecdotal evidence of CBD. CBD will definitely be proven effective against a lot of conditions, especially our skin. But until that happens, look for companies you can trust. Congratulations on getting the best skin ever with CBD!

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